Seriously. Connections '09 Main Stage The main stage at Connections '09 Scott Dorsey, CEO & Scott McCorkle, COO ExactTarget The ET C-suite kicked things off with a pleasant, though painfully scripted, welcome message. There were some cool feature announcements, but as I said, this is a platform agnostic event review, so I'll spare you the details. Scott Dorsey did drop some interesting statistics that I thought were quite impressive though: ET clients send 2 billion emails every month.
They create 1 billion new contacts and records every email lists australia day. (that's 10x the Library of Congress) A study they conducted with Forrester showed that only 15% of consumers want all of their marketing communication through email. The same study also showed that, in general, consumers prefer email 300% over other delivery methods. Malcolm Gladwell Malcolm Gladwell Talk about bringing out the big guns right away, the second speech of the entire event was sociologist and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, best know for his books The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers (Umm, did I mention everyone in attendance was given an autographed, hard-bound copy of Outliers in their swag bag? Slightly cooler than a t-shirt.
Gladwell spoke about his findings in his latest book, Outliers, which studied the backgrounds of successful individuals, looking for patterns that determine success. He used the band Fleetwood Mac as his example for this presentation. Most people (myself included) think of Fleetwood Mac as a band that emerged out of nowhere in the 70's with their eponymous "debut" album, which they soon followed with Rumors, one of the most influential and best-selling albums of all time (OF ALL TIME!).
ET currently manages 100 Terabytes of data for their customers
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