No way, it's materially impossible to do that here.

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No way, it's materially impossible to do that here.

Post by Md5656se »

In this case, I would personally generate more content of the same type and see how the Discover panel in Search Console continues to fluctuate:

Google Discover Appearance in Search Console
Who wouldn't want to be told what interests your audience most about everything you publish?

Unfortunately, this doesn't work for everyone: to access these metrics in Search Console, we need our domain to have had a certain amount of traffic over the past 16 months.

Otherwise, the Discover tab will not appear and we will have no way of knowing which content is most popular, and we will not be able to develop our content strategy with that additional cushion of security.

And this is, in my opinion, the greatest benefit of Google Discover: knowing what type of content will work, both when creating our editorial calendar and when executing it.

2.- We can capture highly qualified traffic
If we do everything we need to do to appear in Google Discover and it starts showing our content in its cards, do you realize how qualified the traffic it will send us will be?

It is no longer about positioning a keyword and trying to resolve a search intention.

It is, as I say, that artificial intelligence sees tha code phone number philippines t we are good enough and shows us suggestions to hundreds of clients who may end up needing our products or services.

It feels like they're doing the work for you – reaching the right people – but let's face it: it's not passive.

You have to work hard at a strategic level and make it easy for Google, as we will now see with the section on how to appear in Discover.

3.- We can keep up to date
We take off our professional suits and put on those of simple, plain Google


Discover users.

I understand that giving permission to Google knowing that we can give it permission to track us from top to bottom can be a bit scary, but if it is not something that particularly worries us... how would you see using it as a tool?

Both work and personal:

Personal , for obvious reasons. If Google sees that we are very interested in Marca, we live in Barcelona and we go to Camp Nou every two weeks, the fact that it tells us the line-up for the match that starts in an hour might please us. Please bear in mind that Google will only do this if it thinks you will like it; this is just an assumption.
Labor , because if we are specialized in a particular sector and Google detects that this evergreen content could help us, it would already be carrying out a prior filtering process for us.
For Google Discover to be more effective than ever, we will have to give it permission to draw on all the sources it has available to learn about us. Of course, if our privacy is of even the slightest concern to us, we should think twice.
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