However, if your sales team is familiar with one type of lead, they may neglect or not know how to do the other.
Now, if your team of veteran outbound leads prospectors suddenly starts receiving more inbound leads than outbound, then what should they do?
First of all: Don’t panic.
It’s essential to streamline the communication between germany phone number list the marketing and the sales teams, so everyone knows what is coming in.
Following a process of filtering, adjusting your product, and adjusting their budget will help your sales team handle this flurry of unexpected inbound leads.
Your team processing these leads need to filter them to identify the ones that match your target customer profile.
Talk to the leads to learn a bit more about them.
Choose the ones to meet with.
Move them on to the next step.
You can manually move these leads on to the next step by adding things to your conversion process. This could be in the form of a webinar or a course, so they can learn more about what you do before talking to your sales team.
Adjust the product:
As we’ve mentioned, inbound leads may come from companies that don’t fit your customer profile. If your product or service is worth, let’s say, 50,000 USD, and the lead is from a smaller company that may not have that kind of money, then you may want to consider adjusting the price or offering an alternative at a lower price to get them started.
SaaS companies often have scalable plans for customers to implement at different stages.
This can be a little more difficult for service businesses where a team is required to provide each individual service. Instead, these businesses may offer courses, resources, training videos or tutorials.
Adjust their budget:
How can you get a company, especially one that is smaller than you’re used to dealing with, to increase their budget?
You need to show them the value of what you’re offering.
Larger companies understand the value of things, such as a life-long customer, whereas a smaller company just starting out may not. In this situation, you need to show them the data and the numbers. They need to see real-life cases of these things working (and producing results) in real-time.
This could help them re-evaluate and re-adjust their budget, an