There are several easy methods to block your website from Google Analytics bot traffic . Here is the first option:
First sign up for a Google Analytics profile.
Go to the Google Analytics Admin Console.
Next, select the View option and then View Settings.
To access the Bot Filtering option, scroll down.
If the checkbox is not checked, press Check.
Then click Save.
The second option is to build a filter to block any anomalous activity you have found.
You could create a new View where the Bot checkbox is disabled and filters that remove malicious traffic.
Add the criterion to the Master View cmo email lists verifying that it is functional.
Third, you can use the Referral Exclusion List, which can be found in the admin area under Tracking Information within the Property field.
You can remove sites from Google Analytics metrics using this checklist. As a result, you can exclude any suspicious URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) from your subsequent data by incorporating them into this checklist.
How to detect bot activity on websites?
1. Extraordinarily high number of page views
Bots are often the culprit when a site has an abrupt, unexpected, and unprecedented increase in page views.
2. Extraordinarily high bounce rates
Bounce rate is the proportion of visitors who arrive at your site but do nothing else while they are here. An unexpected increase in bounce rates may mean that bots have been directed to a specific page.
3. Unexpectedly long or short session durations
The amount of time visitors stay on a site is known as session duration. Human nature requires this to remain consistently stable. However, an unexpected increase in session duration is likely due to a bot browsing the website unusually slowly. On the other hand, if the session duration is concise, a bot can crawl web pages much faster than a person.
4. Garbage conversions
Growth in the percentage of fake conversions could be used to identify spam conversions, which manifest as an increase in profile creation with illogical email accounts or completion of web forms with a fake name, mobile number and address. Increase in visitors from a surprising location.
Another common sign of bot activity is a sharp increase in web traffic from a particular geographic region, especially where it is doubtful that native residents speak the language used to create the website.
How can you stop bot traffic on websites?
Once a business or organization has mastered the art of detecting bot traffic, it is also crucial that they acquire the expertise and resources necessary to prevent bot traffic from harming their website.