Business cards can not only contain your name, company name and contact information, but also be a kind of offline advertising. Use the free space on the business card to maximum advantage: place there detailed information regarding your offer. If you make the card foldable, then you can clearly present the entire range of your services on it.
Until now, not everyone has access to the Internet. Some people get the necessary information through printed publications, many of which only post the most necessary data: the name betting email list of the company, its specialization, website address, actual office address and phone number.
By placing offline advertising on cars, you will not only enhance the company's image, but also attract the attention of a large number of potential customers. Mobile billboards are hard to ignore, especially during rush hours. But remember: the attitude to your advertising will largely depend on the appearance of the car. Therefore, make sure that the cars look presentable, are clean and without the slightest trace of rust.
Various kinds of souvenirs can also serve as advertising: notebooks, pens, calendars, etc. Having met potential clients at the exhibition, having talked to visitors to your stand, you can present them with such a souvenir and be sure that they will not forget about you anytime soon.
Another good option for offline advertising is distributing printed discount coupons. Such promotions attract new customers and help increase sales.
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Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
Any advertising requires investment of time and money. Evaluate the results of each advertising campaign you conduct. Ask your clients how they found you. Assign a unique code to each advertisement. Such tactics will help you find the most suitable way to promote a product or service.
What Offline Advertising Can Teach Online Marketers
Many Internet marketers believe that offline advertising is so outdated that it has become completely useless. In their opinion, most people have long since stopped subscribing to or buying printed publications and do not pay attention to outdoor advertising.
But why not try out some offline advertising methods that have worked successfully for many years? Why not try to integrate them into online marketing? Let's try to give some useful tips.
Don't improve what works well.
There are examples of companies that have almost gone bankrupt trying to improve or radically change their products. Attempts to update promotion methods in the world of print advertising are not always successful.
Some time ago, the Gap company decided that it was time to change its old logo to a new, more modern one. Customers did not like the innovation at all, and sales fell sharply. In order to avoid a complete fiasco, the company had to quickly return the old logo to its rightful place.
Offline advertising_logo change
Another example is Tropicana's attempt to change its packaging. In 2009, Tropicana's manufacturer PepsiCo began releasing its products in more modern packaging. But it lost the details that made the brand recognizable around the world - an orange with a straw sticking out of it and a memorable font. And the new design with a glass of juice and the vertical inscription "Tropicana" did not impress buyers at all. Moreover, because of the different type of packaging, many people simply could not recognize the old brand. As a result, the company's sales fell by as much as 20%.
Traditional Marketing for Small Business
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