General interest podcasts
They could also be called “entertainment” as they are aimed at a broad audience with a common interest in disconnecting and having a good time.
Be careful that your flexibility in terms of content doesn't lead you to improvise too much and lose focus of your business.
Podcasts with new content
This podcast is intended to have an informative direct mail marketing for personal injury email list purpose, to comment either on some news about your own business or on a more global level, commenting on trends in your sector.
Therefore, this is seasonal content, which you will not be able to reuse after a certain period of time.
Podcasts for training or educational purposes
Here we have evergreen content podcasts, which aim to educate your audience in a certain sector and, in turn, position you as a reference.
This is a format widely used by information producers, bloggers and professionals in the educational sector.
Podcasts for marketing according to the phase of the funnel
TOFU (Top Of the Funnel) Content Podcasts
This content is designed for users who are in the discovery phase or first stage of the funnel, that is, those who do not yet have a clear intention to buy.
MOFU (Middle Of the Funnel) Content Podcasts
This type of content is intended for users who are in the next phase, which would be the research phase.
They have already had some contact with your brand, and are interested and willing to receive more information.
BOFU (Bottom Of the Funnel) Content Podcasts
These have much more specific content, created with a segmented audience in mind that has a similar interest to your business . It is the right time to combine the information with the offer.
As you can see, there are different types of podcasts that you can take into account when defining your strategy.
The amount of information you have about your audience and the level of engagement they have with your business is what will determine what type of podcasts you should use.
Podcasts according to their content
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- Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:19 am