Does putting Google Analytics on your site improve your ranking?

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Does putting Google Analytics on your site improve your ranking?

Post by sabarina38 »

Analyzing reader personas (the typical characteristics of the audience you are addressing) allows you to understand how much very long content is appreciated or not and whether it is actually capable of helping you reach the first position on Google .

You see, there is this mindset that Google's appreciation for its diverse suite of tools would lead it to reward those who use them to optimize their websites, increasing their positioning. You should know, however, that Google does not actually need you to implement the Analytics code to fully understand the characteristics of your content (just think of the hong kong whatsapp number database enormous amount of data that comes to it from the excessive use of the Chrome browser) and that there is no evidence to support a connection between Google Analytics and ranking.

Is there a minimum or ideal number of keywords to use to rank?
The myth of keyword density (an adequate proportion of keywords compared to the text that would greatly facilitate the possibility of positioning) is a belief that dies hard: it has been talked about for decades now, especially by those nostalgic for those times when search engines were much more approximate than today and placed a lot of importance on the presence of keywords within the text to evaluate its coherence with search queries. This led us to those questionable practices of inserting keywords in hidden places or in the same color as the background because they were useless for users but reserved only for crawlers.
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