Discover how our powerful software can transform your club / organisation – get your FREE demo today.When was the last time you reached out to another club or organisation? As a club owner, it’s easy – and understandable – to be protective of your business. But by putting up communication barriers, you could be missing out on opportunities to collaborate, gain new knowledge, and even generate more income.
In this article, we expand on Alex Row’s recent Facebook brazil rcs data live in the LoveGymnastics Community. We’ll look at why barriers might exist in the first place, and give you tips for breaking them down.
How communication barriers can occur
When we talk about barriers, we’re not referring to physical brick walls but perceived barriers to communication. And we put these up for all sorts of reasons…
Rivalries between teams
In grassroots football, the recent league changes have resulted in clubs playing against teams closer to home. It’s natural for rivalries between teams to form, and these can lead to healthy competition on the pitch. But it’s important to keep these in check, especially when the competition may also be the club you share your pitch or training facilities with.
Whether it’s a member, athlete, volunteer or coach, when someone leaves your club for another, it can be frustrating. Especially when you’ve spent time and energy developing that person’s skills. But letting these frustrations develop into more deep-seated resentment can harm any potential opportunities for future collaboration.
Lack of communication
The easiest way for communication barriers to develop is a simple lack of communication. There may be a local business you think would be the perfect sponsor for your club. But you haven’t contacted them as you’re worried they won’t want to speak to you.
Sound familiar? Sometimes, there isn’t a reason why someone hasn’t reached out to you yet. They might simply think you don’t want to speak to them. In this case, you need to be the one to make the first move.