Promotion by targeted geo-independent queries

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Promotion by targeted geo-independent queries

Post by subornaakter24 »

This method is suitable for resource owners who cannot make large investments in website promotion or want to popularize it in seven or more regions. We are talking about how to raise geo-independent queries, such as "children's clothing Rostov", "buy children's clothing in Magadan", etc.

Promotion by targeted geo-independent queries

Source: garagestock /

They are geo-independent because the geographic reference is specified in the search phrase itself. Using several keywords will help the resource enter the TOP of the region. As a rule, this las vegas email list works in relation to small "regions", since quite often local sites (if they are presented at all) are not able to provide the user with complete information.

This means that in order to get into the TOP-5 or TOP-10 of small regions, you will need to conduct internal optimization and post quality content.

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I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.

And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:

Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.

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As a rule, the issuance of more popular areas is represented by local resources even if this is a result for geo-independent queries, but the site still has a chance to enter the top ten. Perhaps, for this it will be necessary to conduct external optimization.

This regional promotion scheme involves optimizing pages for current geo-independent queries that specify a specific city. After some time, the resource should take the desired position. If this does not happen, then help it by placing external links.

Regional promotion of geo-independent queries by folders
The method is based on creating a folder for a specific city. A section intended for a specific location is introduced into the site structure, which makes it possible to cover not only queries containing toponyms, but also local ones (with a low level of competition).

But this method does not allow creating folders for regions, and it can also hinder ranking by geo-dependent phrases. To avoid such negative effects, you can link the site to the "Moscow" zone or another large city (if you are developing Russian Internet spaces).

The main technical requirement is that there must be direct entries of key phrases in the Title, folder URL, H1, articles and links on the page with specific toponyms. Unique content must be published in sections for each city. The option of using template texts with the necessary toponyms entered is not excluded. Check the auto-generated texts (words must have the correct declension).
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