Storage of personal data: law 2020, nuances, recommendations

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Storage of personal data: law 2020, nuances, recommendations

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

The article explains:

What is personal data
Law on the storage of personal data
What does personal data processing mean?
Pros and cons of storing personal data electronically
Storage of personal data of employees in an organization on electronic and paper media in 2020
Security system for storing personal data
Storage period of personal data
Fines for violation of personal data storage

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Storing personal data is not a peru email list difficult task, but it requires the performer to strictly adhere to all rules and regulations. In addition, if they are violated, you can get a large fine. The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the field of storing and processing personal data of a person.

It is important to follow these rules and regulations, and it is also necessary to constantly update this information. Laws are often subject to change, and amendments are made to them regularly. From our article, you will be able to find out all the necessary information regarding the storage and processing of personal data of a person.

What is personal data
Personal data, also known as personal information (hereinafter referred to as PD and LD), is information that is directly related to a specific person.

It is already impossible to imagine our life without automated control systems. Individuals' data constantly gets into various databases and often smoothly leaks out of them.

Protection of personal data


To protect this information of an individual, a federal law was created regulating the procedure for storing and using personal data.

The concept of personal data is primarily a legal term rather than a technical one.

As a result, the protection procedure has become simpler and the risks of third parties gaining access to personal data have been reduced.

Today, the following entities process data of individuals:



Government authorities.

Other organizations whose work imposes obligations to collect and store personal data of an individual.

Work with this information must be organized taking into account all norms and rules, regardless of the tasks that require the use of this information.

The average person most often provides their personal data for processing to banking institutions. And if violations of their rights become obvious, the only way out of the situation is legal proceedings. One wrong move can lead to fatal consequences.

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It is advisable to study the regulations governing the processing of personal data before visiting institutions that require the provision of personal information. This will give you the opportunity to independently control your rights in full.

Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data" in Article 3 defines personal data. Based on it, PD is any information that directly or indirectly relates to the subject of PD - a specific or determinable individual (hereinafter referred to as the law on personal data).

General personal data includes information such as:

Full name;

place and date of birth;

address of residence (registration);

profession, level of education;

a person's photo (video recording) that allows for identification and is used by the operator with this intent (clarifications from Roskomnadzor dated 30.08.2013 "On the issues of classifying photographs, video recordings, fingerprint data and other information as biometric personal data and the specifics of their processing");

presence of children, marital status, immediate relatives;

previous places of work, military service, work in elected positions, government service, criminal record and other facts from the biography;

information about the level of salary also refers to personal data (letter from Roskomnadzor dated 07.02.2014 No. 08KM-3681);

assessment of a person’s personal qualities, his work skills, etc.;

other information identifying the person.

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In addition to this information, the personal data law mentions:

individual personal data (race, nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, intimate life). The processing of such data is prohibited. An exception may be situations provided for in Part 2 of Article 10 of the Law on Personal Data;

biometric personal data (these include physiological and biological characteristics of a person that identify him or her). In order to process such information, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the personal data carrier. An exception may be cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 11 of the Law on Personal Data.
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