KPI is an abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator, and is said to be an important performance indicator. It refers to an intermediate goal that checks the degree of achievement and progress toward the final goal.
The key to success in B2B marketing is to set KPIs. If the sales budget is the final goal, KPIs could be the number of visitors to the website or the conversion rate.
If there is a gap tongliao cell phone number list between your end goal and your goal, you can quickly make course corrections.
Implementing the PDCA cycle
The PDCA cycle is a framework that promotes business improvement and consists of the following four elements.
・P: Plan
・D: Do (Execute)
・C: Check (Improvement)
・A: Act (Implementation of improvement)
The secret to success in B2B marketing is to use the PDCA cycle. The PDCA cycle can be used not only in digital marketing, but also in any business.
The system works by implementing the strategy you initially come up with, and if you don't get results, you keep improving and implementing, so that over time you will be able to achieve your goals.
Don't know how to create a B2B marketing strategy?
If you don't know how to develop a B2B marketing strategy, try these two steps:
Define personas
・Consulting with external partners
If you proceed without knowing how to go about it, you run the risk of failure.
First, define your persona
A persona is a fictional character that represents the product or service you offer.
Defining a persona is essential when creating a BtoB marketing strategy. By defining a specific persona based on the customer's age, gender, interests, etc., you can understand their concerns and what they are looking for. Create a BtoB marketing strategy targeting the people defined in the persona.
Consider relying on external partners
There are limitations to creating a B2B marketing strategy on your own. Although it will cost extra, you should consider consulting with an external partner.
You can receive objective advice from experts from external partners on the validity of the personas you define, how to attract customers, how to utilize past data, etc. However, even if you consult with them, there is no guarantee that you will get results.
So far, we have explained success stories and strategies for BtoB marketing.
BtoB marketing is the creation of a system for selling your own products and services to other companies. Even when looking at successful cases using digital media, you can see that they have clarified STP and created a strategy that uses the PDCA cycle. If you don't know how to create a strategy, one option is to consult an external partner.
Learn the secrets from the B2B marketing success stories introduced in this article and put them into practice.
Learn the secrets from BtoB marketing success stories!
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