Key factors for team success

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Key factors for team success

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

Engagement is the desire of staff, based on a special emotional and intellectual mood, to do their job as well as possible. When employees care about the success of the company on an equal basis with its owners, then:

labor productivity increases;

work enthusiasm increases;

staff turnover is decreasing;

the proactivity of employees increases, personnel become ready to perform their duties beyond the norm;

customers will be satisfied with the level of service and maintenance, etc.

Unfortunately, domestic companies often south korea email list do not have a developed system of employee incentives. The management of a number of enterprises does not pay attention to such "little things" at all. The consequences of this approach are:

decline in labor productivity;

the emergence of high staff turnover;

difficulties in achieving the company's business goals.

Key factors for team success

Source: fizkes /

The level of employee engagement depends on both the individual and the organization that employs them. Skilled managers make efforts to manage the process of employee engagement in the common cause, maintaining the corresponding indicators at the proper level.

Engagement is a KFU of the team, which is not only possible but also necessary to develop. Several methods are suitable for solving this problem.

Explanation of the company's objectives
The staff must understand what goals the company is trying to achieve with their help. Employees need to understand why they are working. For many employees, the motivating factor is the company's goal of becoming a leader in its market segment. Also, a large number of employees are ready to work with full dedication when the main goal of the organization is to fully satisfy the needs of customers.

It is desirable that the mission and purpose of the company be of interest to all participants in the process without exception:




to investors.

When all of the above parties benefit, the company quickly achieves success. The staff must realize that material gain is not the only goal of the organization, as its mission is much broader. When employees understand this, their level of involvement increases significantly, and this happens regardless of the financial compensation offered.

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Trust and transparency in relationships also play a major role, not only within the company but also outside it, with clients and partners, for example. Gone are the days when staff were obliged to follow orders from above without thinking. Today, manipulation, concealment of the truth and secrecy not only do not contribute to increasing employee engagement, but also have a negative impact on it.

Firms that provide their staff with opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge facilitate their professional and personal growth and significantly increase their level of involvement in the organization. Such investments usually pay off in full.
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