Document development should be done from the top down
First of all, the members of the working group write a concept, then on its basis they form a regulation, and then they develop instructions. At the same time, the lower documents must specify the norms of the higher documents.
Let's look at a specific example. "Organization policy in the field of logistics" is at the first level of the hierarchy. The document contains a description of the general principles of implementation of logistics used in the company.
The second level, the "Regulations on Logistics" is designed to specify the basic principles. This document contains a list of logistical support processes and the procedure for their implementation, and also establishes the responsibility of the executors of these activities.
“Instructions on the procedure georgia email list for accepting and transferring material resources for storage”, which is located on the third level, regulate the procedure for the actions of specific performers upon receipt of material assets at the warehouse.
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The principle described above also works when forming standards within a particular category of documents. Let's talk, for example, about regulations. The functions of the basic document are performed by the "Regulation on Personnel Management", to which a group of subsidiary acts is formed - on hiring, motivation and development of personnel.
Degree of flexibility and adaptability
Innovations appear so quickly today that it is time to think about updating documents almost immediately after their approval. Therefore, the development team should take care in advance that the standard is extremely flexible and adaptable. How to achieve this?
Make every effort to ensure that the document is correct from the start - this will allow you to avoid significant changes and revisions later.
There are some tricks that can help you during the development process.
Most corporate standards (like, say, the "Sales Manager Operational Map" that we looked at above) contain descriptions of business processes or their individual fragments. It is quite clear that the correctness of a standard largely depends on how correctly it describes the essence of a business process.
Providing a correct description is actually not that difficult - to do this, it is necessary to clearly indicate all the details of the business process in the document:
inputs and outputs;
information about suppliers and clients;
participants in the process (including its owners);
list of stages;
the content of the actions performed within each stage.
Correctly distribute the content of the standard between its main part and appendices. In other words, reflect general information in the body of the document, and all the specifics in the appendices.
3 Golden Rules for Creating Documents Describing Corporate Standards
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