Registration of postal item

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Registration of postal item

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

Pay attention to the advice of experienced authors, most of whom have already had the bitter experience of losing copyright. So, to protect copyright on the Internet, before posting materials, you can print out the written text, put it in an envelope and mail it to yourself.

Yes, by regular mail. When you receive your own letter, do not open it and keep it with you. And only then can you post the material on the Internet. As proof of the original authorship of the published content, you will have a letter with a postmark.

But what if you plan to post not text, but video, audio, multimedia presentation and other content that cannot be written on paper? There is a way out again: the author just needs to burn it to a disk - CD or DVD (although this method of storing information is already outdated) and also send this media by regular mail to yourself (with a list of attachments and with its verification).

Most likely, it will not be a uganda email list letter, but a parcel - at the discretion of the post office. Post the material on the Internet only after you receive the parcel - after it has passed through all the postal routes: from receiving the correspondence at the post office from the sender to handing the letter to the same sender.

Keep such postal packages unopened to successfully resolve possible legal disputes about copyright infringement in the future. If such precedents arise, you will show the representatives of the relevant authorities, such as the courts, these unopened packages with postmarks. The representatives of these authorities will open the packages themselves according to all the rules and make sure that inside is the product of your intellectual work, your property.

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