Facebook strategy is not a website replacement

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Facebook strategy is not a website replacement

Post by Mitu100@ »

You select where these users live, how old they are and what interests they have. Facebook filters out the latter by checking which pages have been marked with "Like" by the corresponding users. In addition, under "Detailed target group selection" you can specify which industries the target persons work in and what job title they have stated in their profiles.

These very targeted measures offer the possibility of precisely limiting your target group . The problem here is that the relevant users must have also specified your job title and industry in their Facebook profile and you must identify them precisely. However, since the ad manager spits out the number of users based on the criteria you specified, you can simply test how many profiles fall into your target group and whether it is worth tackling this form of advertising in your Facebook strategy.

Another function that is also interesting for small and medium-sized companies is the so-called Custom Audience: Facebook uses the so-called “Facebook pixel” to recognize exactly those users who have already visited your company website. You have certainly experienced it yourself: you search online for new sports shoes belize telegram screening and you are immediately presented with corresponding advertisements on Facebook and Google. The big advantage of using the Facebook pixel is obvious: you only address those who are very likely to have a real interest in your product, thus preventing any scatter effects. You can also specify on which subpage of your website the Facebook pixel should be “attached” to visitors. This means that you can, for example, only address those who closed their browser shortly before contacting you. Because you set your own budget and have full control over it, you can simply try out with little effort whether and, if so, what effect the Facebook pixel has for you. By the way, Facebook offers a guide on how to integrate the Facebook pixel on your website here .

Be careful: A Facebook fan page does not replace your company website. The latter is and remains the core of your online presence and should not be neglected because of your presence on Facebook. It looks unprofessional if a potential customer finds you on Facebook and clicks through to your website only to find sheer chaos. And only on your own website do you always retain full control over what visitors see and what they don't, regardless of what a provider like Facebook does with its platform or the algorithms behind it. So always keep in mind that a Facebook strategy is always just a supplement and the main focus remains on your main channels.
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