Get insights from the sales team

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Get insights from the sales team

Post by rochon.a1.119 »

The role of customers in the purchasing decision-making process

Potential life cycle (how often do they purchase a product or service?)

What prevents you from making a purchase?

How to find data to create a buyer persona
Once you know what information to collect, you need to figure out how to collect it and where to find it. You can get the information to determine your target audience from two sources: market research or data on existing customers.

Obtaining data from existing customers
Conduct customer interviews

Existing customers often like the idea of ​​being interviewed by a changsha mobile database brand they already use and have an affinity for, especially if they get additional benefits: discounts, freebies, special content, etc.

Asking former customers can also be potentially useful, as they can provide insight into why they stopped using the product/service and what solution they are using now.

Using forms and questionnaires on the web can help marketers reach more potential customers or those who simply follow the brand on social media or read the blog. It can help uncover what is holding them back from taking the final step and becoming a buyer.

Sales teams deal with customers and potential clients every day. Therefore, they can share details about the qualitative part of the prospects’ profile with marketers: their pain points, challenges, obstacles, goals, and values.
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