The digital work environment (DWO) is by and for the employees in an organization. They need this environment to do their work. So it is important to continuously, step by step and visibly improve the DWO for those employees.
A digital work environment (DWO) is the environment where every employee can find all the information, employees and tools they need to do their job. A DWO is the 'presentation layer' where everything (digitally) comes together.
There are a lot of tools and techniques involved , but that is not the most important thing. In every DWO, the employee experience must be central. The more optimal that experience, the better for the organization.
Behind a digital work environment is a complex greece phone number example ecosystem of users, processes, information sources and systems. You don't set that up all at once and you don't change it all at once. If something is too big to handle, you work step by step. That way you also prevent the entire ecosystem from collapsing like a house of cards. If that happens, you have a problem of category 5 hurricane Irma.
The more optimal the experience, the better for the organization.
Many organizations are completely dependent on their digital applications. The recent ransomware 'WannaCry' has proven this for organizations such as Maersk, TNT, Rotterdam Port Authority and many other international organizations. They were shut down for days and suffered millions in losses because their IT systems were down.