Where and how do I come up with the best ideas for new posts?

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Where and how do I come up with the best ideas for new posts?

Post by Abdur12 »

Generating new ideas is one of the main challenges for the beginning blogger. There is no perfect method, but there may be better times than others.

Carlos Bravo13
I'm not one of those people who has ideas for new posts or in the shower. Every person is different, so in this sense I'm like everyone else (I also had to read the sentence twice to understand it).

Ideas for new blog postsPhoto rights by Fotolia

One of the biggest fears of a blogger is running out of ideas. It seems to be a topic that worries me lately since I recently asked the question (and gave the answer) whether it was good or not to repeat a theme on the blog . It helped me a lot in my beginnings to understand how other bloggers overcame what seemed to me to be almost insurmountable obstacles. In many cases it is easier than it may seem when you start.

Contents [ocultar]

1 Writing a post gives me 1-2 ideas for future entries
2 Reading a blog or a book
3 When I go out for a run to disconnect
4 Keeping conversations with bloggers and (regular) people
Writing a post gives me 1-2 ideas for future entries
I'm not alone in this point. Creativity multiplies when you're japanese phone number list being creative. Writing an article is part of this process. I'll probably end this post with 1-2 new ideas for future posts. If you want to start a blog, don't be afraid of running out of ideas. The important thing is to start writing as soon as possible so that inspiration can emerge. It goes hand in hand with the practice, feedback and experience you gain after each published post.

Reading a blog or a book
I've been reading more blogs than books lately. I just bought 2 books on web analytics because it's a field I want to tackle hard this year and next year, really starting from scratch. With everything new you learn, your brain inevitably creates connections with existing experiences and knowledge. Each new bit of information is like a spark that can light the fire of creativity. In my case, it even causes me some "inconveniences" to call it somehow. I feel like I'm constantly on alert and unable to disconnect because I can't avoid having constant creative explosions in my head. I'm not going to lie to you. I love it that way.
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