Choosing a photo for a blog post may be more important than you think at the moment. There are also legal aspects that can cause you headaches in the future.
Carlos Bravo7
Most bloggers don't go to great lengths when it comes to selecting a photo to accompany a new post. A quick Google search, grabbing an existing image from a website, and the problem is solved. Many are not aware that this can be the start of tricky issues down the road.
Marketing and Legal Aspects of Photos on a BlogPhoto rights by Fotolia
Legal aspects: don't risk having a photo cost you thousands of euros
Although it may seem so at first glance, Internet content is protected by copyright. This means that even if it is accessible, it cannot be used without the consent of the person who owns the intellectual jordan phone number lookup property. As you can see, I have access to the Fotolia image bank . I have permission to use the photos citing the source with the rights.
The risk of receiving a letter from a lawyer in Spain is not yet perceived as very high. Although there are more and more cases, there is still not enough word about the danger that many bloggers run when choosing photos that are not their own.
How to copy third-party content correctly
How to legally use photos on your blog
Legal protection of the images you use on your blog
Image aspects: photos help you with your blog's branding
The quality of the photo plays an unquestionable role when it comes to evaluating your content. We humans do not function like machines and all our senses influence our perception of things. A professional image can generate prior confidence to dedicate more time to an article. If the content stinks later, the photo cannot counteract a poorly written post or one lacking in ideas. A post of average quality will always be evaluated unconsciously better than one without a photo (or of low quality). There are little tricks that help a blogger present himself better than he really is. Women also wear makeup and in general men do not complain…