Writing News Teasers First

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Writing News Teasers First

Post by jarinislamfatema »

Your hair will be...". Conversion text of the teaser Now, you can combine these topics to get a converting, attention-grabbing text: "Carpathian Molfar told pensioners his herbal recipe for improving the condition of blood vessels. Mix..."; "Madonna's own weight loss remedy: take three..." Ordinary garlic can be a salvation for the most terrible disease: scientists have found a way…”; "Forget about pharmacies - get a cheap one..." "You don't play with high blood pressure - just a few branches.

A little terminology. News teaser advertising is an russia cell phone number list advertisement where the image often includes a photo of a celebrity, and the description includes quotes or information about them. It is important to understand that reputable teaser networks will not allow outright nonsense and lies and will reject such a message during the moderation process. For example, you won’t be able to say that a famous person has suddenly lost weight, but if this really happened, then your imagination has an airfield for your thoughts to fly.

The formula for creating such an announcement is as follows: “A famous person + a bright piece of news + an intrigue at the end.” The key sales factor will be the pre-landing page , in which, with the help of an interview, the star will be able to tell about her story, in which your product helped her. In reality, it looks something like this: “A popular singer said on a show, watch…” When we go to the pre-landing, we learn that the singer, due to his age, suffered from prostatitis until he tried your “magic miracle pills.
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