The self-employed collaborator is not a self-employed worker
Being registered as a self-employed collaborator is not the same as being registered to carry out an activity on your own account . The self-employed collaborator depends on another self-employed person, without whom his activity would not exist. When registering with Social Security , he does not present his census registration ( form 036 ) in tax obligations as is normal for working as a self-employed person.
has no tax obligations of phone number in thai his own. It is the owner of the activity who must assume before Social Security that he will provide services in his business. Likewise, the cessation of the activity of the owner implies the deregistration of the collaborator as self-employed.
It follows from this that a person who is registered as a self-employed collaborator cannot carry out any work on his or her own account . This would imply registering with the Treasury , communicating the activity to be carried out and the tax obligations that this entails. Apart from that, it must be taken into account that without registration with the Treasury it is impossible to issue invoices.
What can happen is that a self-employed person works in his own business and helps a family member in theirs . You just have to inform Social Security of both situations. This does not entail any additional cost in social security contributions, since the self-employed person's contribution is the same even if different activities are carried out under that regime.