Google wants to implement a " Now " feature that will tell you which nearby restaurant will have the shortest wait for your meal, which route is best for a weekend getaway, or remind you to take your prescription medication.
And here we come to the most disturbing thing. Here's what they're all getting at:
Google wants to convince users to share their south korean girl whatsapp number personal data for convenience. Google “Now” is an app that will work best if we hand its creators the digital keys to our lives and trust it implicitly.
Apple, which is building its own predictive search engine for its Siri voice assistant, has dismissed Google’s data-hungry model as too intrusive on user privacy. Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a June speech, without specifically referring to Google:
" Some of the most successful and well-known companies have built their power by lulling their users into sharing their personal information carelessly. These companies are taking all the knowledge they can about you and making money off of it. We don't think that's right ."

Google emphasizes that it does not sell its users' data to third parties. But the company is not above believing that Google Now works better the more it knows about its users.
“ We can build a much better future by knowing just a little bit more about you,” Singhal says. “People should only do this if they get something out of it. Otherwise, they should delete all their data from their account .”
But is that possible? Can you go into your account and delete all of your data? What happens to the information that's stored there?
Google's intentions are clear. They want to bring " ambient computation " into reality. Basically, computer computation is present wherever you are. It is as obvious as the air around us. Often we are not even aware that we are interacting with computers all the time. And Google wants to encompass the whole world with this phenomenon.
Google's Gary Illyés even said the other day that he wanted Google Now to replace traditional e-commerce . To put it very seriously, it would mean embedding Google even more deeply in our lives. Then they would really know everything about us. All the time.
Read also: Google Sandbox Effect – what is it?
Whether we like it or not – it is slowly becoming a reality. The question is: how will the upcoming changes affect business and what do we need to do to make the future look bright? This is a challenge for SEO .