The meta tag "referrer" prevents the transfer of the URL when it comes to embedding elements. This meant that VG Wort could only see my domain and no longer the individual article pages. Similar to the conversion of the tracking pixel to HTTPS, this is also an issue that should be taken into account for newer sites. Perhaps this information is also interesting for you. On the one hand, Ublock blocks the VG Wort pixels via the privacy list for data protection reasons, which is understandable given the idea behind this list.
..but in general it is difficult to explain why one should set up an exception israel mobile phone numbers database here as a visitor to a website. But the issue could actually be debated for a long time. Best regards, Andreas Sign in to reply Peer older than a week I tried to understand what the problem was for you, but I'm having a bit of trouble. Since I only include the tracking pixels in the individual articles and don't display them on the blog homepage or in the categories, I don't think there should be a problem.
Especially since the referrer itself has nothing to do with the actual counting of the tracking pixel. After all, the referrer concerns the previous page. But the tracking pixel analyzes which page it was just called up on, and for me that is always just one, namely the article. Sign in to reply Andreas Unkelbach older than a week In the linked article for publishers, VG Wort has explained this in more detail. Source: Integration description METIS tracking pixel for publishers.