On platforms such as Xiaohongshu, you can also see many paper bag collectors sharing tips on how to reuse paper bags. For example, some people transformed the co-branded paper bags of Heytea and Fendi into tote bags, baguette bags, and underarm bags, while others transformed them into light paintings full of high-end atmosphere. Other brands of paper bags have been transformed into storage boxes, mobile phone cases, and other ways to transform them. Li Xin,transformed Luckin's paper bags into storage boxes. As a supplier of portable cooler bags for brands such as Kashi and Mixue Bingcheng.
Yuan Yunlong of Dazhu Company told NoNoise that because the material of the cooler bags can be reused many times, in order to increase the utilization rate, they will design some of the cooler bags into the crisp italy whatsapp number data shape of women's small handbags. Just as collecting paper bags has led to secondary market transactions, the secondary use of paper bags has also become a business. The handmade blogger "Aguaiya" on Xiaohongshu started to engage in paper bag transformation business three years ago. A customer from Guangdong sent a paper bag co-branded by LV and Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, asking to transform it into a gym bag; another customer sent a Dior boutique paper bag, asking to transform it into a tote bag for cats.
Image source: Xiaohongshu user @阿怪呀 "Aguaiya" remembers that when she entered the industry three years ago, paper bag modification was still a niche business, and most of the paper bags sent by customers came from luxury brands . In the past two years, with the popularity of new tea brands, the demand for paper bag modification has become strong, and the sources of paper bags have become more diverse - paper bags from fast-moving consumer goods brands such as Heytea, Luckin Coffee, and Holiland have gradually increased. She has received dozens of orders for the recent joint paper bag modification orders from Heytea and Fendi . Currently, the Taobao store of "Aguaiya" receives an average of 20 to 30 orders a day, with 60 to 70 orders during peak periods.
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