Optimize your resources by applying food dehydration techniques

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Optimize your resources by applying food dehydration techniques

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »


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Written by Vanesa España Auñón
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Since time immemorial, food preservation has been an activity of great importance to humanity , which civilizations such as the Aztec, Egyptian, Greek, Inca and Roman carried out with various methods, based on heating, salting, fermentation, drying and even the coating of meat with animal fat.

In this post we will explain one of the most current techniques, dehydration.

Apply the most current food dehydration techniques.
Dehydration is an ideal way to preserve any food. It preserves practically all of its properties (vitamins, minerals, etc.) and even enhances them, intensifying the sweet taste due to the concentration of sugars.

When we dehydrate or dry foods such as norway phone data fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, herbs, bread, etc., we make them lose almost all of the water they contain, allowing them to be preserved and making it possible for the food to last for months. In addition, it provides advantages such as reducing storage space, since when dehydrating a fruit, it loses around 75% of its original weight. 25grs. of dehydrated fruit is equivalent to 100grs. of fresh fruit.

Another feature of dehydration is that it improves preservation, extending the shelf life of food. Below we show several methods of drying food.

dehydrated foods

How to dehydrate food in the oven
Preheat the oven to 40-47°C. It is helpful to know how your oven performs beforehand, as no two home ovens are the same. Turn off the oven when it approaches 47°C. Temperatures between 55-70°C destroy nutrients.
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