Predictions for the future of the sector Finally, each of the members had their “golden minute” to take their crystal ba

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Predictions for the future of the sector Finally, each of the members had their “golden minute” to take their crystal ba

Post by Abdur14 »

XFinally, each of the members had their “golden minute” to take their crystal ball and predict the future, or at least, try to. These were their suggestions for what we will see in the future:

Increase user presence on product sheets , meaning that they can not only comment but also describe it.
Artificial intelligence will bring about a drastic change in the coming years and this year, IAG will make the difference this year, especially in process optimization.
Create a community around the brand.
Marketplaces will become more involved in the logistics bangladesh number data field and logistics companies will become more involved in the marketplace field.
Robotic warehouses.
Drones may not yet be available, but an electric vehicle that delivers the product to the customer's home could be one of the next bets in the logistics sector.
The shopping experience will change completely as we move towards a phydigital world, that is, a presence in the physical and digital world. More and more stores offer the option of viewing the store, but also visiting the website, placing orders or playing interactive games.
Attracting more and more qualified and specialized human talent . Technology must be a support tool, but not a substitute.
What is clear is that we cannot know for sure what will happen in the future, but we have nothing to lose by playing at guessing. Having a foresight into the future can give us an advantage when it comes to anticipating problems that may arise.
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