In line with these actions

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In line with these actions

Post by Abdur14 »

Monica highlighted the importance of Employer branding : the reputation among employees, but also among potential talent. « We need to have a cohesive team that is committed to work. There is an emotional, not economic, salary, like work flexibility. Just as we generate content for the outside, internal communication is essential because a happy employee can be the best communication of the brand for the outside world .» And they must be doing something right, because for the second consecutive year, Axicon was chosen as the best communication agency to work for in all of Europe.

Mercedes Varela from Worldline had a very different experience from the rest . The rebranding process caught them in the middle of the pandemic and with an unprecedented peak in work, since the stores that had not yet gone digital wanted to speed up the process ( remember that Worldwide acquired Ingénico at the beginning of 2020 ). “ We have bahamas business email database done a great job of rebranding that was only consolidated on September 20. Worldline had to understand our work to integrate us. There were many changes in functions, relocation of staff, internal communication work .”

In this respect, the lack of interaction was a hindrance to the functioning, since " what used to be solved in a hallway chat now means a call (…) We miss seeing each other's faces and simply having a coffee. We have a monthly meeting between colleagues even though we are not going to the offices because interaction is essential for integration ," explains Mercedes.

Corporate social responsibility is no longer an option
« We are at a time when consumers are extremely demanding with brands . They are looking for brands they can identify with. Values ​​of sustainability, social responsibility. And you need to transmit these internal actions to the user, because otherwise it is useless ,» says Raquel.
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