Those who manage an e-commerce must choose very carefully the online payment methods to integrate within it. Having the possibility of paying safely, without running the risk of falling into dangerous scams, is in fact one of the aspects that most influence the evaluations of users who find themselves having to decide where to make their purchases on the web.
The Internet, nowadays, offers buyers and sellers multiple online payment albania consumer email list systems, but within this broad category it is possible to identify some that stand out for being widely used because they are very reliable . Before discovering which are the most used and secure online payment methods, however, it is necessary to underline the importance of another decisive factor in ensuring secure online payments: the HTTPS protocol .
Everyone, more or less, is now familiar with the acronym HTTP : it stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and, in Italian, it can be translated as Hypertext Transfer Protocol . From a technical point of view, it is a system for transmitting information on the web, which contains the instructions and rules for making two machines connected to the Internet interact.
Less known, probably, is the HTTPS protocol , which has filled the vulnerabilities of the HTTP protocol related to security, ensuring protected communications thanks to the use of specific certificates, as well as the authentication of the website visited, the protection of privacy and the integrity of the exchanged data.