Linkedin the Queen of Social Selling

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Linkedin the Queen of Social Selling

Post by roseline371277 »

Sent quotes: Here we have to use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) type tools that allow us to know how many quotes we have sent, in what state of consultation by the client they are and, ultimately, carry out a correct follow-up to try to obtain acceptance by our client.

Closed budgets: We will focus on the percentage and quantity of uk email database signed budgets and we will also monitor the project to see if the economic assessment was well-dimensioned and has been profitable for the company.
Loyal customers: From my point of view, one of the most important objectives in any Social Selling strategy is to analyse how many sales we can get from our current customers on services or products that they didn't even know we could offer. Here we could establish sales techniques such as Cross-Selling or increase the value of the Purchase Ticket in future orders. The most potential customer we have is the one we have already sold to.

Linkedin is often the main communication tool for working on a more efficient Social Selling. You already know that it is the Professional Social Network par excellence, a space where we can find purchasing managers, executives, managers of the organization who need to be informed in order to resolve their fears and satisfy their desires.


Here are some recommendations for working on a correct Social Selling strategy on LinkedIn:

Analyze your potential clients: See what kind of information they share and are interested in. What topics they usually write about, what kind of contacts they have on LinkedIn. What tone they usually use when interacting with other professionals. All of these are clues and ideas that will help you connect with your potential client.
Your profile and summary: They should be focused on explaining to your potential client how you can help them with your products or services. What problems they have you will solve and you should also explain to them that working with you will consume the least amount of energy. They are busy people and they should optimize their energy as much as possible. Keep this in mind.
Generate quality information for your target audience: Nowadays you can share updates in text format, multiple photos, videos, write articles on Linkedin itself. All this to become a reference for opinion, a leader in your subject area. So that your potential client considers you one of the best options when requesting a product or service that you offer.
Get noticed: Share information about your potential clients, interact with them, introduce them to potential clients on LinkedIN. Leave them a sincere recommendation on their profile, value their skills. Help them with their needs and I am sure they will reciprocate by hiring one of your products or services.
Work on your positioning on LinkedIn: At this point you already know which keywords you should use in your content to make it interesting for your clients. Use these keywords in your profile title, in the summary, in your professional experiences and in all the content you share. This way, clients themselves will find you and decide to contact you.

I hope you can use this sales methodology and get very good results by implementing your Social Selling strategies. Don't forget to measure, analyze your investment and make decisions based on the results you get.

A strategy of this type does not usually achieve short-term results (in most cases) and will require a high investment in resource creation, content generation and monitoring tools with quite high costs.

But if you manage to connect with your target audience and the wheels start turning, you will see high growth in your sales and a very positive return on your investment.

For any questions regarding the execution or definition of your Social Selling strategy, I remain at your complete disposal. Best regards.
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