Wörner has three focal points:
Fight and hug . Not about your ego, but about a certain subject
Produce a fair and sustainable product
Don't copy anything, but be really different
In addition, at Wörner it is simple: if you treat people like adults, they will behave like adults. Everything they do is transparent. You can work when you want and where you want. You decide what you earn and how you organize your day. As long as you do your best for the company. These are not campaigns made up by a marketer. It is simply in their DNA. Everyone is an ambassador and free to communicate to the outside world, regardless of what you do.
They don't think in terms of content marketer. Structure is not important. Everything revolves around culture and is the starting point of their content. In my opinion the most interesting way of content marketing and good for relationships in the long term. Everything goes more naturally. And that makes it easier, more fun and more reliable.
To top it all off, positive whirlwind Lazar Dzamic comes along. It was not without reason that this man was the head of Google Zoo. He draws a parallel between his background as an us phone number list immigrant, innovation and content. For example, Lazar says: “We have to adopt the immigration mindset.” A mindset in which you are always curious about the unknown. Whatever is around the corner, you just have to know what is going on there. “ Always take a peak ,” he calls it.
CMFF 2018 Lazar Dzamic

He was a journalist, a managing consultant and was in the right place at the right time when he turned 39. He went into web marketing. He read everything about it and became a digital strategist. Before he knew it, he was at Google Zoo in London. Do you know why it's called that? Because the very first video ever put on YouTube was of a guy at the zoo talking about the elephants.
Innovation is learning to live and experience new stories
For an immigrant, every situation is a fiction that he has to learn to decipher. Learning to live and experience a new story every time. And that's how it works with innovation. Innovation takes you to a new, strange place every time. Where you don't know how people will behave or how they will react. That's why the question why is so extremely important. Why do we do what we do and what is the purpose.