Benefits for employees

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Benefits for employees

Post by Arzina3225 »

Expand your reach
By distributing content via employees, you can significantly increase your reach. And not just because you do away with algorithms in this way. Because when an employee shares something on social media, the effect is considerably greater than when the brand itself shares something. What's more: if an average of 3 percent of employees share LinkedIn content from the company, this results in no less than 30 percent more engagement. As can be read in the book Employees as online ambassadors in 60 minutes (aff.), research by IBM shows that leads generated via an employee's social media channels yield 7 times more than other leads.

Employees as credible experts
In the book, Stéphan Lam advises companies to start an online ambassador program quickly. This can help and encourage employees to use their social media accounts in a more professional and successful way. If your staff has a strong online profile and shares relevant content, this will benefit the visibility of the organization, according to Lam. Moreover, this will turn your employees into credible experts, a powerful marketing tool according to the author.

If you want your employees to be intrinsically motivated to participate in an online ambassador program, you need to show them that it will also benefit them personally. This increases the chance that they will actively act as ambassadors and in this way, for example, obtain inside information from relevant parties.

By participating in the online ambassador program, employees can also increase their own reach and influence. Because their social media posts are then no longer only spread in their own indonesia mobile number list network, but possibly also seen by customers, clients, colleagues and managers. A larger network with the right people is extremely valuable, both personally and professionally.
employee advocacy


Patience is a virtue
If you want to set up an ambassador program, you are working on a – sometimes big – behavioral change among employees. You also need a long breath to make it a success. How do you tackle that?

The most important condition for an ambassador program is a culture that radiates trust, in which people themselves retain freedom and responsibility for their online behavior and the consequences that this entails. Lam, on the other hand, does advise establishing a number of social media guidelines. These can provide employees with a framework and a foothold. As an organization, you should then leave the implementation of these guidelines to the employees themselves. This therefore also requires complete trust in your employees.
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