4. When their profile appears, you will see that you cannot access their content or followers list.
5. , head over to their profile and click on the three vertical dots icon at the top right corner of the screen.
6. A drop-down menu will appear. Scroll down and select the “Block” option.
7. You will confirm your decision to block this person by selecting “Block” again in the pop-up window.
Once you've blocked this person, you mobile phone saudi arabia mobile number directory be able to see their profile or content, and they won't be able to see yours either. They also won't be able to try to follow you again.

It is important to note that blocking someone on Instagram is a personal decision and can have consequences on your relationship with that person. Before blocking someone, it is advisable to try to resolve any conflict or issue in a civil manner.
As a Community Manager, it is essential to stay up to date with all the tools and features of social media. This allows us to offer a better service to our clients and ensure that we are aware of the latest trends and changes in the platforms.
One of the most important aspects of social media management is interaction with followers and users. However, there may be situations where we come across people we do not want to have contact with or who may be detrimental to our brand image. It is in these cases that knowing how to block someone on Instagram can be very useful.
Blocking someone on Instagram is an action that allows us to prevent a certain person from interacting with us on the platform. This means that they will not be able to see our posts, comment, like or send us direct messages. It is an effective way to maintain a safe and secure environment.