Come up with a brand-relevant joke
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:57 am
15. Come up with a brand-relevant joke
Laughter relaxes people and increases their openness. The correct use of humor allows you to form a positive attitude towards the brand and also helps the advertisement to be remembered.
Humorous advertising often has a truly explosive viral effect - users independently share it on social networks and upload it to video hosting sites.
However, a bad joke carries reputational risks for a brand. It is not surprising that one of the greatest advertisers in history, copywriter Claude Hopkins, is credited with the famous phrase “People don’t buy from clowns.”
Therefore, creating humorous advertising is a complex process that requires a special sense of tact. On the one hand, humorous advertising should seem truly funny to the audience, on the other hand, it should be consistent with the company's image. In particular, in the segment of expensive goods, where buyers are inclined to coldly analyze and compare your product with competitors' offers, humor is usually not helpful.
Vulgarity is unacceptable. Topics related to religious and racial characteristics should be avoided.
Most successful humorous advertisements are vietnam girls whatsapp number built on the principle:
⦁ wordplay,
⦁ unexpected, absurd ending,
⦁ hyperboles,
⦁ parodies,
⦁ giving a new shade of meaning.
Here's an example of an original ad that uses wordplay:

In the commercial, a young German air traffic controller hears the radio call, “We are sinking, we are sinking!” With little understanding of English, he nonchalantly replies, “What are you thinking about?” As epic music blares, the call “Improve your English!” appears on the screen, along with the logo of the Berlitz language training company and its slogan, “English for life.”
Here the joke plays on the problem that the company is solving in an original way - lack of knowledge of foreign languages. It is very important to keep the joke relevant to your brand. Otherwise, people will laugh at your creativity, but then they won’t even remember whose ad it was.
We wish you success in applying the above-described advertising techniques!
If you need help, please contact us!
Laughter relaxes people and increases their openness. The correct use of humor allows you to form a positive attitude towards the brand and also helps the advertisement to be remembered.
Humorous advertising often has a truly explosive viral effect - users independently share it on social networks and upload it to video hosting sites.
However, a bad joke carries reputational risks for a brand. It is not surprising that one of the greatest advertisers in history, copywriter Claude Hopkins, is credited with the famous phrase “People don’t buy from clowns.”
Therefore, creating humorous advertising is a complex process that requires a special sense of tact. On the one hand, humorous advertising should seem truly funny to the audience, on the other hand, it should be consistent with the company's image. In particular, in the segment of expensive goods, where buyers are inclined to coldly analyze and compare your product with competitors' offers, humor is usually not helpful.
Vulgarity is unacceptable. Topics related to religious and racial characteristics should be avoided.
Most successful humorous advertisements are vietnam girls whatsapp number built on the principle:
⦁ wordplay,
⦁ unexpected, absurd ending,
⦁ hyperboles,
⦁ parodies,
⦁ giving a new shade of meaning.
Here's an example of an original ad that uses wordplay:

In the commercial, a young German air traffic controller hears the radio call, “We are sinking, we are sinking!” With little understanding of English, he nonchalantly replies, “What are you thinking about?” As epic music blares, the call “Improve your English!” appears on the screen, along with the logo of the Berlitz language training company and its slogan, “English for life.”
Here the joke plays on the problem that the company is solving in an original way - lack of knowledge of foreign languages. It is very important to keep the joke relevant to your brand. Otherwise, people will laugh at your creativity, but then they won’t even remember whose ad it was.
We wish you success in applying the above-described advertising techniques!
If you need help, please contact us!