We wrote a sales text and prepared 2 short advertising videos. They were offered to the user for review in one advertising post with a link to the Customer's corporate website.
Thus, Vkontakte publics were given a choice - to read or watch videos. We believe it is important to take into account the differences in users' habits in consuming content.
The first commercial was a video message from one of the clinic's doctors. In preparing it, we adhered to three principles:
scientific/expertise - the image of a doctor wearing glasses in a furnished office has always increased user confidence;
thesis - the key ideas of the video were displayed on the screen in short texts for better assimilation by the user of information rich in medical terms;
“humanity” - the doctor spoke in a soulful voice with a pleasant timbre, and was friendly to the viewer.
The video design made extensive use of green, a color that has proven itself in medical advertising due to its associations with safety, naturalness, and youth.
The second commercial showcased the figure improvements that the clinic's patients could expect.
We proceeded from the fact that in plastic surgery advertising, the visual image is initially much stronger than even the most well-thought-out slogans.
In turn, we built the advertising text according to the classic sales formula PHMS (Pain - Pain Increase - Hope - Solution). It consisted of the following elements.
1. descriptive title - attracted the attention of the target audience;
2. pain/increased pain - described the futility of attempts to independently restore their figure after childbirth;
3. hope/solution - suggested using the clinic’s services and regaining former attractiveness;
4. success story - told about the positive emotions of clients who had previously taken advantage of the offer;
5. limited time promotion - promised a tangible whatsapp australia benefit that could be missed if you don't take advantage of it right away;
6. call to immediate action - called for immediate contact with the company.
That is, advertising messages for publics were created taking into account the specifics of the niche and the needs of the target audience, that is, the data found out at the stage of marketing expertise. We published this entry in the selected Vkontakte groups in accordance with the previously drawn up media plan.
Advertisement was placed:
mainly from 17.00 to 22.00;
for three weeks;
both on weekends and on weekdays.
We assumed that the majority of the target audience were on maternity leave.
4. Worked out the negative
In most publics, users perceived the advertisement favorably or neutrally, but there were also “haters”.
We promptly responded to their negative comments. For example, several girls wrote that they saw no point in the operation - after all, their figure changes after childbirth disappeared after just a couple of months. Then the clinic surgeon, following our recommendation, wrote a response in the comments. In it, he noted that such cases are not rare, but not typical for most women.