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How to create a featured snippet of your products on Google

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:45 am
by mouakter12
Google snippets are those results that appear highlighted in a search, where they give us an answer to the question we have asked, and which enjoy great visibility within the results page. That is why your new SEO goal is to get featured snippets on Google for your main products.

table of Contents
What is a snippet for Google
Snippets in Product Marketing
There are different types of rich snippets
The featured snippet: the opportunity for industrial and technological companies
How to get a featured snippet: factors that influence

What is a snippet in Google?
Most searches on Google start with a question: what is ….? how do you do ….? That is why Google has decided to give prominent visibility to those contents that answer the questions posed by its users, so that they can find the basic information they are looking for at a glance without having to search through the different links.

It does this through snippets . Snippets are, in the context of SEO, the blocks of content that appear next to the site's URL, that is, each of the result blocks (which is made up of the title, the meta description and the URL of the page).

And what Google has done is highlight some of these snippets, either by including enriching elements ( rich snippet ) or by visually highlighting the snippet by including it above the rest of the results ( featured snippet ).

featured snippet.png

What does this mean for industrial and technology companies?
The opportunity that when someone searches for what one of the products you sell is or how it is made, the answer they find is the explanation you have given about that product in the content of the blog dedicated to it (which therefore also means that you dedicate a space within your content planning to make blog entries about “what something is” or how it is made).

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Interesting, right? So, even if the potential client sees a quick answer find owner of cell phone number free philippines to the question he asked Google, if he wants to delve deeper into the topic, he will click on your link.


What types of rich snippets are there and which ones are of most interest in product marketing?
Reviews . This snippet is enriched with rating stars.
snippet review.png
People . This snippet contains the photo and other personal data about the person being searched for, which provides great visibility at the personal image level.
Products . This is the snippet that most interests industrial and technological companies (along with the featured snippet), as it increases conversion to sales within e-commerce. The information that this snippet can include is both the image of a product, as well as its price , availability , the existence of limited offers and the technical sheet of the product (in the form of a brief description).snippet products.png
Recipes. This snippet, which includes recipe ingredients, preparation times and nutritional value, is especially recommended in the field of product marketing for companies dedicated to the production of food products.
Organizations . They include the most important information about the company, such as a brief description of its activity or who is its founder, along with the visualization of the company logo. This snippet is recommended for corporate branding.