Technological management tools and digital channels specific to teleworking open up new and interesting possibilities for the operation of companies.
But if there are two sectors that are more likely to successfully adapt to remote work, they are accounting and sales, and in this post we will explain the reasons why.
The accounting technician is the professional who supports and drives all tasks related to the administration of the company. Among his main activities are the preparation finland email list of entries, the maintenance of accounting books or bank reconciliations. In short, we are talking about tasks fully linked to technology , which makes accounting a department well adapted (and adaptable) to teleworking .
Remote work is also a type of work that data-intensive sectors thrive in. Thus, not only the administrative and accounting areas adapt perfectly to the demands of remote work, but also public services and commerce (especially in relation to customer service and online sales).

In this post, we tell you why the accounting and sales sectors , given their characteristics, adapt successfully to teleworking in Spain.
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Teleworking and the accounting and sales sectors: a guarantee of productivity
A recent report by Capgemini Research Institute shows that 63% of companies that use their own teleworking resources have experienced an increase in the productivity of their employees during the third quarter of 2020 , such as the following:
Reducing travel times.
Flexible schedule .
The use of virtual collaboration tools.
And although these factors bring with them a multitude of advantages for all organizations that decide to adopt teleworking , the commercial area is one of those that comes out best. This is demonstrated by the aforementioned study, which also points out that customer service (60%) and sales and marketing departments (59%) occupy the podium of sectors that benefit the most in their productivity as a result of the use of these resources.