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How to choose SEO hosting with positioning in mind?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:03 am
by bithee975
In December 2020, a question arose on the SEO/SEM Polska Facebook group about whether SEO hosting affects the effects of positioning? It turns out that the answer to the question about the relationship between the server and website positioning is not short and simple at all. Basically, the influence does exist, but it is multidimensional and when thinking about choosing the best hosting for your SEO, you need to consider several elements.

The article answers the questions:

What to consider when choosing SEO hosting?
What server functions affect site security?
What elements influence the reliability of a hosting server?

Page speed
Servers have security limits. Did you know that?
Bad Neighborhood
Anycast DNS
Page speed
According to Google, page loading speed has been uk companies email list since 2010, when the first mentions of it appeared on the official blog. In 2018, Google again officially addressed this issue, mentioning that speed will be a ranking factor in relation to mobile.

Core Web Vitals
Core Web Vitals

In May 2020, the SEO world is electrified by the concept of Core Web Vitals. Google talks about seven important factors that it takes into account when shaping its assessment of the quality of a page - three of them relate directly to speed.

Let us recall that we are talking about the following parameters:


largest contentful paint – LCP – time to render the largest element of the page;
first input delay – FID – the moment of achieving responsiveness
cumulative layout shift – CLS – visual stability index.
An efficient server and good caching significantly improve the performance and speed of websites… if they are enabled and configured correctly. Simply moving to “fast hosting” will usually not give you the effect if you do not start using its capabilities and do not adjust the site to the infrastructure.

For example, if the operator is based on Litespeed – and you have a WordPress site, I recommend the LSCache plugin, where you can easily enable all the acceleration options. It works with the appropriate server-side software.

Servers have security limits. Did you know that?
Most shared hostings operate on security limits. When they are breached – for example, when PHP process limits are saturated – the site stops working.

This is necessary for maintaining the stability of the server as a whole, but when it happens at the moment when Google Bot tries to enter your site - it exposes you to indexing problems. The page may be considered less trustworthy.

The most important security limits that may affect your site's performance are:

limit of simultaneous processes – this mainly concerns simultaneous PHP processes, which, with an increased number of visits and insufficient website optimization, may prove to be insufficient;
server file limit – if you store many websites, especially stores, on one hosting account, the file limit may turn out to be a bottleneck;
RAM limit for PHP scripts - in this case, some, especially poorly written scripts, may have problems if they take up too much RAM. Importantly, the memory limit granted by the hosting provider may be higher than the default one you have set for your domain - so check whether you are fully using the possibility provided by the hosting company and, if necessary, set a larger memory resource for PHP scripts via a manual entry in php.ini or via a function in the administration panel;
database connection limit – if you have a poorly prepared store that performs many demanding SQL queries to render the page – it may happen that it will stop working properly with higher traffic.
When choosing hosting, remember that the limits set by the operator are usually suitable for maintaining a single website (or several smaller ones). If you place too many clients on one account, it may turn out that these limits will become a bottleneck. In such a case, consider switching to a more advanced service (vps, dedicated server) or dividing your clients between several hosting accounts.

How highly reliable a given operator's servers are affects the potential downtime. And downtime means a negative impact on Google Bot! A problem with the server's operation at the moment when Google Bot visits you can lead to difficulties with indexing the page, as well as cause drops in the position of the page already indexed. Most experts believe that if we are talking about short outages - measured in hours or 1-2 days - after the server is restored to operation, the positions will also return.

An operator that provides a higher level of reliability and has a better backup system may be advantageous in terms of potential downtime.