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Understand the new rules for real estate financing

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:06 am
by muskanislam25
Caixa Econômica Federal's new rules for real estate financing came into effect. These changes reflect the need for adjustments in light of resource limitations and the increased demand for housing credit in Brazil.

According to Caixa Econômica Federal, the new rules for real estate financing are necessary in view of a scenario of increased withdrawals from savings accounts and changes in the conditions of Real Estate Credit Letters (LCI ).

This compromises the resource base available for financing. Although these measures aim to ensure the sustainability of the credit supply, they also increase the challenges for consumers, especially in terms of access to financing and the amounts required for down payments.

Below, we detail the main changes and their implications, considering the relationship between consumers and the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE).

Changes in funding quotas
One of the most significant changes concerns the maximum kenya whatsapp data financing quotas. Previously, it was possible to finance up to 80% of the property value through the Constant Amortization System (SAC) and 70% through the Price Table.

With the new rules, these percentages were reduced to 70% and 50% , respectively. This measure aims to adjust the credit supply in relation to CEF's financing capacity, considering the restrictions imposed by the current economic scenario.

In the SAC, the value of the installments decreases over time due to the amortization of interest. On the other hand, in the Price Table the installments are fixed.

Higher entry value
As a result of changes in financing quotas, consumers will need to pay higher down payments for properties . In the SAC system, the minimum down payment has increased from 20% to 30% of the total value of the property.

In the Price Table, the percentage was increased from 30% to 50%. This requirement increases the initial financial effort to acquire the asset, restricting access to credit for some borrowers, especially those with lower savings capacity.

Limit value for the property to be acquired
Another relevant change concerns the maximum value of the property that can be financed by the SBPE. From now on, the ceiling has been set at R$1.5 million , regardless of the financing method chosen.

Previously, only the Housing Finance System (SFH) had this limitation, while the Real Estate Finance System (SFI) lines did not impose a ceiling.

This unification of values ​​aims to standardize conditions and restrict the application of available resources to higher-value properties.

Other financing will be prohibitive
Finally, the new rules for real estate financing establish that borrowers cannot have another active housing loan with Caixa Econômica Federal to obtain credit.

This restriction seeks to avoid the concentration of contracts by a single consumer, promoting greater distribution of housing credit among interested parties and prioritizing new acquisitions.

Take advantage and also check out the real estate market dictionary ; master the vocabulary used by brokers, developers and real estate agencies.

Why were these changes made?
According to Caixa Econômica Federal, the new rules for real estate financing were established with the aim of adapting the supply of credit to the current economic scenario, characterized by fiscal challenges and limitations in the availability of resources for the housing sector.

Thus, the institution aims to promote more prudent credit management, in line with its financial capacity, while seeking greater balance in the granting of financing.