The Federal Law “On Advertising” (No. 38-FZ of 13.03.2006) prohibits the use of hidden advertising, the impact of which is not recognized by the consumer (for example, the use of the 25th frame).
The placement of such advertising is punishable by a fine of 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. In addition, an official who allowed the display of such advertising may be fined 4,000 to 5,000 rubles (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 13, 15). It happens that the FAS classifies any use of hidden advertising, such at&t email list as mentioning a trademark in a message, as prohibited advertising methods.
Hidden advertising on the Internet: types, advantages and disadvantages
The global network is an inexhaustible abyss of information opportunities, where you can not only get useful information, but also tell about yourself. This can be done on your website, in a blog, by placing advertisements and using guerrilla marketing techniques. However, hidden advertising in the browser is the most interesting.
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This is explained by the effectiveness of the impact on the potential consumer, due to the fact that the reviews of users who are not interested in sales form a high level of trust. With the help of the Internet, it is possible to create the illusion of a choice, form opinions and increase the level of trust, and this in turn has a positive effect on the level of sales and income of the company.
Hidden advertising is not affected by ad-blocking programs and applications.
People don't use the so-called banner ignoring techniques.
Russians are not used to trusting the opinions of professionals, they are sure that ordinary consumers know more and better. Therefore, hidden advertising and user reviews are a kind of guarantee of demand.
Open advertising works as long as you pay for it, and reviews always work. If you regularly work on increasing their quantitative and qualitative indicators, you will gradually create the effect of full presence. For example, a girl who is engaged in fitness will see the logo of a certain brand everywhere and hear reviews from like-minded people. In this way, she will develop confidence in the high quality of the product and sooner or later she will pay attention to it.
It's hard to count
Marketers believe that the main disadvantage of hidden advertising is the lack of ability to determine its effectiveness. Using open advertising, you can, for example, install special tags on links and thus track the effectiveness of advertising channels, and when using hidden advertising, the most you can determine is the sources from which users came to your resource.
Requires a fine-tuned approach
The global network provides many exchanges where you can order reviews for hidden advertising, but often they are composed rather crudely and unnaturally. Moreover, the profiles used are also very dubious, lifeless. With a competent approach, the impression of complete reality should be created.
How is hidden advertising regulated at the legislative level?
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