Formation and support of a permanent client base

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Formation and support of a permanent client base

Post by subornaakter24 »

To ensure the effective functioning of the salon, it is important to form a base of regular customers. Given the fierce competition that exists in this area, high-quality service alone will not be enough. You will have to not only always be on trend, own new salon services, but also remind consumers of your existence.

To ensure effective advertising to attract clients to a beauty salon, you will have to: firstly, encourage a casual visitor to give you their contact information; secondly, make sure that they bank email list return to you again. You can collect contact information using various methods.

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Registration of a discount card . Is your client waiting for a specialist or undergoing a procedure? Ask her to fill out a short questionnaire - for this she will receive a permanent discount on beauty salon services. If the visitor does not want to do this, provide him with a temporary discount card. And then ask him to register on the site (when it is convenient for the client) to receive a permanent card with a cumulative discount system.

Lottery with a free course of treatments . Usually, under such conditions, each client agrees to leave their contact information.

When a visitor finds you via the Internet, you already have their contact information. You just need to remind the client about yourself after a certain period of time. Do this with:

SMS reminders that it's time for a repeat procedure. For example, a client got her hair dyed at your salon. A month later, you can remind her that it's time to touch up the roots;

email notifications about new types of procedures and promotions;

a personal call with an individual offer.

When attracting clients to a beauty salon, remember that one regular visitor brings more profit per month than ten one-time visitors. When you have regular clients, word of mouth starts working: they recommend your salon to their friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

A beauty salon can suffer major losses when a master quits and takes most of the client base with him. To eliminate this possibility, motivate masters to work for you, make sure that the beauty salon administrator contacts clients directly.

The responsible administrator is truly the face of the company. This person will resolve controversial situations, monitor the work of the masters: whether they comply with sanitary standards, whether they communicate politely with clients. And it is the administrator who must prevent the masters from luring visitors when services are provided privately at home.

Contact information of clients should be stored in an electronic database. Only the administrator and the owner of the beauty salon should have access to this information. It is clear that the master can ask the client for a phone number personally. However, even when the client leaves, you will have the opportunity to return him: just offer more favorable conditions in an SMS mailing.
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