Step-by-step setup of push notifications (using Sendpulse as an example)

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Step-by-step setup of push notifications (using Sendpulse as an example)

Post by subornaakter24 »

How to set up push notifications? Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. Register on the service
Complete the registration procedure on the website by clicking on the “Try for free” button.

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Registration is possible via email or buy bitcoin email list via social media account (Google+, Facebook). After registration, log in to your profile via the "Login" button.

Step 2. Set up push notifications
You need to work with “push” notifications in the “PUSH” section.

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To connect push messages to your resource, click "Add new site".

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Here, enter the domain, upload an image (this can be your logo in the form of a square), which will be displayed in the subscription request window. Then select the time of the request (for example, when it appears on the site), the type of pop-up message. You can choose the Safari style: such notifications pop up in the header and do not interfere with viewing the content.

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Below you can enter a title, subscription request text, and determine what will be written on the buttons. There is also a preview of the subscription form you created.

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After completing the settings on this page, proceed to the next step by clicking on the corresponding button. Then you should enter the proposed code in the header before the closing tag /head . Then the subscription request will appear on your resource.

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If the site is on Wordpress, then in most cases the code needs to be added to the header.php file. Due to the variety of Wordpress templates, the location of the header code may be another file, and the code may have a different name. For example, top.php.

The screenshot below shows how to add the code:

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Please note: when you start working with the resource code, you must save the original version (make a backup copy). If problems arise after the changes, you can return everything back.

Step 3. Check the settings
After adding the script to the site, click "Check". The appearance of a green check mark next to the site will indicate that your actions are correct. Also, go to your resource and check whether a subscription request pops up.

Then go to the "Go to site settings" tab.

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In the General Settings section, you can select the option "Send a welcome push notification after subscribing." This option can be useful to give new subscribers something useful:

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Step 4. Start sending push messages to subscribers
Sending the first push notification is possible after subscribers appear. You can send messages by clicking "Send push".

When sending messages, be sure to select a list of recipients (if the service has several of your resources). In addition, it is possible to segment subscribers by browser language, region, page from which the subscription was made, by subscription date, browser.
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