The advantages of the PPC scheme are

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The advantages of the PPC scheme are

Post by subornaakter24 »

PPC (pay per click)
The scheme is clear from the name - you only need to pay for visitor transitions to your site, i.e. the cost of advertising does not depend on how many times it was shown. You pay for the fact of clicking on the link. This pricing model is used for contextual and teaser advertising.

easy counting of the number of clicks on the landing page: it is easy to find out who and how many times clicked on the link, what the client did on your site;

the risk of overspending is minimized, since you only pay for the number of clicks you need;

you can limit your advertising costs for a christian churches email list specific time period;

You can target your audience using various parameters: demographic, geographic, etc.;

PPC advertising has a higher ROI;

It attracts traffic more effectively.

The disadvantages of the model are as follows:

the formation of the cost per click is usually carried out based on the results of an auction between advertisers. This leads to a significant increase in the price of advertising goods sold by a large number of competitors;

If a user has visited your site, this does not guarantee that they will make a purchase. The purpose of their visit may simply be interest

Before you gain experience in optimizing your advertising campaign, you can spend a lot of money on experiments;

According to statistics, there are also accidental clicks on ads on the Internet. You will have to pay for them too.

Other pricing models are also used, but quite rarely.

Main types of online advertising with examples
Now, let's look at what types of online advertising exist on the Internet, and what advantages and disadvantages each has.

Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising is text or text-graphic modules that are placed on Yandex pages and on partner sites. In other words, contextual advertising may correspond to the topic of the site on which it is placed, or it may be displayed depending on what queries the user most often enters.

Context in Yandex


Contextual advertising is targeted, that is, it is oriented towards the interests of different groups of clients, and this is its advantage. A contextual advertisement is shown to a potential client if the user's interest in the product's subject matter has been noticed, or if the offered product matches the subject matter of the resource on which the advertisement is placed.

Payment for contextual advertising can be made either per click or per 1000 impressions (BaYan).

Most major search engines have their own contextual advertising services. In RuNet, the most popular networks are Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Begun.

Contextual advertising allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. Another distinctive feature of this type of Internet advertising is its high price. It is formed at auctions with the participation of advertisers. This leads to high advertising costs, especially if the subject of the promoted product is very popular.

Here you can insert some kind of print screen with a photo from the admin panel, when they pay 150-5000 rubles per click, for example.

To conduct a contextual advertising campaign, you don’t necessarily need a huge budget. Spending only 300-500 rubles a day, you can achieve good results. The price of one click in different niches varies, and quite widely. For example, the price per click for such a topic as “knitted toys” is 9-40 rubles. Queries “PVC windows” cost much more - from 500 to 1500 rubles per click.
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