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Reasons Why Advertising Channels Don't Work

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:19 am
by subornaakter24
Advertisements are not seen by potential clients

Is it always enough for your advertisement to be seen by potential customers? Of course not! Just by watching a TV commercial, reading an article in a newspaper or magazine, a person may pass by and not show the necessary interest in the company and the product. And your task as an advertiser is to make sure that a person automotive mailing list becomes interested in the product while watching the advertisement.

Many of us simply change the channel when an ad starts, or use this time to take a tea break. Especially if your target audience is young people. In this case, you will have to be even more inventive to attract the attention of this category of clients.

3 Reasons Why Advertising Channels Don't Work

Let us repeat, the choice of advertising channel depends on the age of your target audience. For young people, thematic sites, forums, blogs and Instagram are effective. For the older generation, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, TV, and radio are suitable.

The money invested in advertising must first and foremost work and bring you profit.

Read also!

"Native Advertising Examples: When You Shouldn't Go Forward"
Constantly monitor your target audience, studying its interests, channels for receiving the necessary information. Then your advertising campaigns will be most effective.

Without knowing your customers and their needs, none of the advertising channels you choose will bring you the results you need.

Low quality advertising

In the age of modern digital technologies, there are many opportunities to make a truly high-quality advertising product. It is not worth saving on the creation of a worthwhile advertising video or audio clip/banner/website.

Incorrectly chosen priorities

When developing the concept of an advertising campaign, clearly define the goal of why you need advertising: to maintain a high image of the company, increase sales and attract more customers, promote an updated product line or another goal.

The deceptive effectiveness of advertising channels
There is an opinion that advertising is always some kind of deception.

Indeed, sometimes you can encounter unreliable data from TV channels that place advertisements, in terms of coverage figures. Such information should be double-checked by contacting independent agencies. The latter, by the way, can also use an unverified calculation method, which ultimately leads to a large error.

Printed publications sometimes lie about the number of copies they publish: they take an order for 20,000 copies, but only publish 15,000. Then you can guess how many of this number will go on sale and end up in the hands of potential customers.