Teach your advocates how to approach a prospect. Be careful not to let them over educate their referrals. Role-play the actual words you would like them to use when they introduce you. I suggest that you coach them to say what it is that you do – not how you do it. Keep it simple and short.
Prepare them for the standard objections that they may expect to encounter from a prospect. If they are not prepared to deal with the typical objections, they will be less effective and will potentially be discouraged from future prospecting attempts.
Send them a thank you card and or call them to thank them for referring a prospect to you. Keep them informed on the status of their referrals. You must have a system in place to provide feedback to your advocates or they will not feel appreciated and will loose interest.
Consider giving them a small gift for their involvement, such as a gift certificate to a local restaurant.
The more people that are saying good things about you and your company in the marketplace, the more sales you will make!Why You Should Use LinkedIn’s Marketing Power
LinkedIn is one of the greatest tools ever created for sales professionals. It ranks right up there with the car, telephone, and the internet.
Leveraging LinkedIn gives you the ability to connect greece telegram data with and learn more about prospects and customers than at any other time in history. Sales professionals who master LinkedIn quickly rise to the top of the ranking report.
LinkedIn offers a huge opportunity for salespeople, but it isn’t easy and not everyone was born with the skills to use it. Salespeople need to learn and practice using LinkedIn. It isn’t something that you can jump into headfirst and be successful.
As salespeople, you tend to automatically sell, but with LinkedIn, you have to take a step back from your regular habits. It is all about the long game and building relationships, not quick sales.
You Have To Find The Balance Between Your Professional Persona And The Personal You
Another problem that most salespeople have when using LinkedIn is that they have a hard time finding a balance.
Reward Your Army of Advocates
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- Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:03 pm