In addition, you should never forget how important your family and your own environment are and find a good balance. Health One thing that should not be forgotten is the issue of health. Self-employment is usually associated with greater physical and psychological strain. This is partly due to the often significantly longer working hours, especially in the early days, and the associated stress . Furthermore, as a self-employed person, you usually don't get time off if you have a minor cold, etc.
You also shouldn't underestimate the psychological pressure philippine mobile number that self-employment can bring with it when money is tight. And since no one else will earn money for you if you are sick, you should critically analyze your health condition before starting your own business and take precautions. willingness to learn Last but not least, you never stop learning, even as a self-employed person. Learning from your own mistakes helps self-employed people progress, and you have to get up quickly after every defeat and carry on.
I learned more in the first year of being self-employed than in my entire previous job. But you have to be ready for that, especially after 10 or 20 years. Here in the blog you will find a supplementary article on other important prerequisites for becoming self-employed. This contains further information on the topic, although more with regard to day-to-day self-employment and less with regard to starting a business itself. Understandably, however, there is also a lot of overlap. The dear money The topic of “money” is also important when starting a business.