Types of advertising campaigns

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Types of advertising campaigns

Post by subornaakter24 »

As an example: the court and the FAS of the Far Eastern District came to a similar conclusion in the proceedings on case No. A73-2352/2013 (the conclusion is set out in the resolution No. FZ+4988/2013 of 04.12.2013). The issue concerned the issuance of loans at preferential rates (loans acted as goods), but the conditions of the event were not recognized as competitive, because every 110th client was simply determined as a winner. Thus, the promotion did not fall under the definition of a promotional one.

It would seem that you already have sufficient practical experience in organizing marketing events, but you still have to deal with certain difficulties and inconsistencies.

The organizer is obliged to specify the conditions of the upcoming advertising campaign in the rules. They must contain the following information:

location of the event;

information about the organizers;

what the client must do to become a member (for example, buy a specific product item or something else);

date (time) of the start of the promotion;

date (time) of completion and summing up;

description of the prize, gift and other bonuses;

the place where winnings are paid out, the procedure and timeframe for receiving them;

it makes sense to stipulate the right of the organizer to terminate the promotion at any time and cancel its terms;

It would be a good idea to explain to the participants what taxes are levied on prizes worth more than 4,000 rubles (here the Tax Code of the Russian Federation comes into force, in particular Article 224, paragraph 2).

Important point!

The Advertising Law (Article 3, paragraph 1) states that advertising is information intended for an unlimited number of people. Thus, it turns out that information about the organized incentive event and the conditions for its implementation must be freely available, for example, on the pages of the website of the organizing company.

According to the Law on Advertising (Article 9), when informing about an upcoming promotional event, it is necessary to indicate, firstly, the dates of its holding, and secondly, the source insurance leads for seniors of information (where one can find out about the organizer, the rules of the advertising campaign, the number and size of winnings, the dates, place and conditions of issue).

The term of the promotional event means a specific date with the indication of the day, month and necessarily the year (if the year is not written, this is already a violation of the law).

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Below are described various types of advertising campaigns with their distinctive features and specific examples of implementation.

Providing discounts in connection with the holiday

Many companies, both large and small, regularly use this method to attract attention to their product and stimulate sales.

Of course, impressive discounts will attract more customers. But it should also be profitable for you, so calculate the cost of the advertising campaign in advance. If you set a 40% discount, for example, on bags, then calculate in advance how many of them you need to sell to be in the black.

During the holidays, create special targeted offers, i.e. prepare a discount on men's goods for February 23, and on women's goods for March 8, and so on. Come up with special bonuses for those who make a purchase on their birthday.
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