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Coaching Method

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:07 am
by Mimaktsa10
This method is based on the fact that the personnel is not considered solely as the performer of assigned tasks, each employee strives to fully realize their own abilities. Each specialist gives their best in their position, is fully responsible for the area of ​​work assigned to them, makes decisions independently and vouches for the result.

Coaching is a method of personnel management, which is a confidential (this is important) conversation, including competently formulated, specially selected questions. This technology as a result gives a person an understanding of his place in the company, upcoming real actions, deadlines for implementing planned changes, as well as benchmarks by which it will be clear that the task has been completed.

Good coaches use all their experience and knowledge in their work, and apply special psychotherapeutic methods that eliminate people's internal limiting barriers. Interaction should occur at the border of contact, that is, without deep immersion in past events (unless this brings a person a clearer understanding of their behavior).

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Coaches in their work morocco email list proceed from the fact that any person needs only a little help to release the deep reserves of his consciousness, and then he himself will give the right answers to all questions. This is the goal of the specialist. He strives not to dictate to a person ways of solving problems, but to help him independently be able to find a solution, and even more than one. And then choose the direction of movement that is closer to him according to his subjective considerations. This approach gives people greater confidence in their abilities, a sense of the strength of their own potential and the desire to use it in work.

Modern methods of personnel management in the organization
Innovative methods of personnel management (unlike the classical ones listed above, which are partly already outdated) involve an individual approach to each employee, taking into account his or her performance, intellectual and other capabilities.

Modern technologies differ in the ways they influence people, and in this regard, experts highlight:

incentive methods based on providing employees with the opportunity to satisfy their specific needs;

methods of persuasion, when influence is exerted on a person through his internal worldview, value ideas about certain things;

information methods that involve providing the employee with materials that he can use to make independent decisions and organize his work in a team;

methods of coercion (meaning administrative), when sanctions are imposed on an employee or threats are made for failure to complete assigned tasks.

It is advisable to combine several methods as needed, this will give the best result.

It is very important that the head of a modern enterprise be able to apply various organizational, socio-economic and other methods of personnel management in a timely, competent and flexible manner.

Management by Objectives (MBO) involves identifying and coordinating goals within a company so that managers and employees clearly understand them, share them and understand their importance. The system should be configured as flexibly as possible, then it will allow each specialist of the enterprise to grow and develop.

The method of personnel management by objectives consists of the fact that at the beginning of, for example, each month or quarter, all company structures, as well as individual employees, receive clearly formulated tasks. In order to count on a bonus, they must be completed.

The tasks and goals are different:

Specific – special, that is, specific, characteristic of a particular company, department or specialist.

Measurable – In order to calculate productivity later, it is necessary to define metrics in advance.

Achievable, that is, really achievable.

Result-oriented, when the main focus is not the efforts made, but the final result.

Time-based, that is, special time requirements are formed to achieve goals.

At each level, it is assumed that no more than 3-5 main goals will be set. The assessment of the degree of their implementation at the end of the period shows what the bonus will be for each specialist.