Creating 3D tours

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Creating 3D tours

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

When covering interesting business ideas, it is impossible not to mention a new direction in the world of information. Today, many people think about where to spend their leisure time, what to visit, while in another city or country. I would like to imagine in advance what awaits you, so that precious time is not wasted.

There are not many good guides, and they are compiled using standard phrases and not always high-quality photographs. Therefore, online services that help users get comprehensive information about the place they are interested in are quite relevant. 3D creation is an interesting business idea that will bring a decent profit to the creator.

3d virtual tour

Source: Unsplash

To implement the idea, you will need panama email list to create a website-catalog of 3D tours. As for expenses, 1500-2500 rubles will go to hosting and a domain, 30 thousand rubles (or more) - to develop the website.

Next, move on to building a client base. To begin with, you can offer several tours for free (as an advertisement), and then you can charge customers who want to place a 3D tour of their establishment.

To shoot you must have:

SLR camera (professional or semi-professional);

wide angle lens (with a wide field of view);

panoramic head;


a software suite for creating panoramas and 3D tours.

Thus, to start, you will need about 150 thousand rubles . As for the profitability of the business, you can find out from the example of one of the Russian companies. They estimate their services for the creation and placement of 3D tours as follows:

5000 rubles and more – restaurants;

15 thousand rubles and more – hotels;

25 thousand rubles and more – night clubs and fitness centers;

35 thousand rubles – car dealerships.

The company's income is not limited to the proceeds from organizing tours. Their website also hosts banner and contextual advertising (which is also a good profit). So, creating 3D tours is a really interesting business idea. You can organize a tour in any city or region, the main thing is that there is a well-developed infrastructure.

Download a useful document on the topic:

Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
The expenses associated with opening a business can pay off within three months (taking into account the time for promotion). If you place 10-15 orders monthly, then your profit can easily reach 300 thousand rubles or more.

We hope that our article about business ideas will be useful to you. And if you have already decided on the direction of activity and are actively engaged in the development and promotion of your project , then we advise you to undergo a site audit to present a real picture of the capabilities of your resource.
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