Offer incentives to new coaches

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Offer incentives to new coaches

Post by aburaihan66 »

These programmes don’t have to just be for young athletes at your club, though. You could explore a volunteer scheme for non-athletes too:

As well as Young Leaders, we are now starting a volunteer programme for adults too, with the incentive that we pay for their Level 1 training once they are ready. Then when they’re qualified, they can apply for a paid coaching role!

– Rudi Wall, Owner, TJ Gymnastics Academy Boston

Bring apprentices onto the team
Apprenticeships are a great way to ‘home-grow’ loyal coaches at your club. Often, they will go on to become full time members of staff once their apprenticeship has finished.

Remember, though, that apprentices have a commitment to germany rcs data college or school, meaning they may not have the flexibility or commitment that full time employees do. But it’s important to support them through their studies as much as possible, so that you’re creating an environment that they want to continue working in.

If you can do that successfully, this is certainly a long-term solution for bringing new coaches into your team.

Reach out to your loyal network of parents
Don’t forget that you have a group of potential coaches right at your fingertips – the parents at your club:

Email all parents notifying them of the opportunity and say that training and Level 1 qualifications will be provided. It takes time, but a £320 Level 1 course cost is worth it!

– Lauren Nicole, Owner, Ignite Gymnastics

Parents spend a lot of time at your club – even if that’s just watching their child from the sidelines during training sessions. Plus they are often very loyal to the club, too. So while they’re at the club for their child’s training, why not involve them in running other sessions?

Financial incentives won’t be an option for every club, but if you can afford to, this is a brilliant way to increase retention:
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