Cloaking: Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of It

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Cloaking: Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of It

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

The article explains:

Cloaking in simple words
How do search engines feel about cloaking?
Application of cloaking in CPA marketing
How to Set Up Cloaking in Google AdWords
How to set up cloaking in VK
Benefits of legal cloaking
Dynamic Content vs. Cloaking
How to check your website for cloaking

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The term "cloaking" comes poland email list from the English word "cloak", which is translated as "mask", "cover". The name itself already illustrates the method of presenting information on the Internet. Cloaking is one of the methods of the so-called black SEO, and its essence lies in the fact that the real user (TA) and the search engine robot are shown different versions of one Internet page.

Considering that it is quite difficult to prepare an easy-to-read text optimized for all keywords for publication on the Internet, webmasters have simplified this task and found a way to simultaneously develop 2 versions of site pages, one of which will be shown to the robot, and the other directly to the user.

Cloaking in simple words
Cloaking in simple words

An analogy can be drawn between cloaking and the so-called "doorway" method (another method of search spam), but the former does not have manual or automated redirection of the user to a specific site, which significantly reduces the risk of stealing codes/content of the prepared landing page by competitors. However, one should not forget that the process of copying pages is quite complex and labor-intensive, and in addition, it requires not only basic knowledge of programming, but also assumes the presence of a database of IP addresses or user-agent robots.

Similar to the doorway spam method, cloaking is divided into:

Black (that is, illegal, where the Internet user is shown a text that has no relation whatsoever to the original search query, and the search robot, in turn, is shown a “polished” (optimized in accordance with the rules) document with the aim of increasing the latter’s position in the search engine).

Gray (in cases where the material posted on the web page can be printed or displayed in text form, the same information can be displayed in two or more versions. Links to such material, indicated on third-party sites, can cause web indexing of the latter, and also entail the inclusion of these resources in the list of "copied". In order to avoid the above-mentioned situations, URL redirection (redirect) is configured for secondary links, which transfers the weight of the link to the original material. This method is optimal, since it does not cause any harm to web users and does not lead to the imposition of filters on each other).

White (a legal type of cloaking. In this case, web pages redirect users to simplify the process of working with the site. For example, geotargeting works according to the specified algorithm. In this article, we will consider the legal method of disguise in more detail a little later).
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